Fun Facts About Allosaurus

Fun Facts About Allosaurus

Allosaurus is a genus of large theropod dinosaur that lived during the Late Jurassic epoch. Allosaurus means different lizard. It was given this name due to its unique vertebrae, which were different than any other dinosaur known at the time of its discovery in 1877. Allosaurus was not able to reach forward well, so it grabbed prey with its teeth. Then it could use its meat hook claws to prevent prey from escaping. Here are some fun facts about Allosaurus:

  • This large, carnivorous predator lived 155-145 million years ago. 
  • It lived before T-Rex, Velociraptor, and Spinosaurus. 
  • There is more geologic time between Allosaurus and T. rex than there is between T. rex and humans.
  • Allosaurus was 26-28 feet long on average. Despite its large size, it was smaller than T. rex. 
  • Bony crests on top of its skull may have been used as a display tool or to intimidate other carnivorous dinosaurs. 
  • Its jaw was loosely articulated, so it could open its mouth wide. 
  • It only had about 32 teeth, but it shed and replaced teeth constantly. These teeth were 3-4 inches long.
  • Allosaurus may have used its jaws like a machete to take big chunks of meat. Its teeth were not equipped to penetrate bone, but they were serrated like knives. 
  • It couldn’t move its arms forward well, so it probably pulled its prey in close and used its large claws to slash and slice. 
  • Fossil evidence indicates Allosaurus preyed upon Stegosaurus.
  • Allosaurus fossils have been found across North America, Portugal, Tanzania, and Germany. The wide distribution suggests Allosaurus was a successful dinosaur. 
  • The most famous Allosaurus fossil was discovered in 1991 and named Big Al.

Tyrannostorus carries awesome Allosaurus products, including the Dino Kidz Box, which allows aspiring paleontologists to create a cast of a real dinosaur claw at home! For more information, check out the list of recommended products below. 

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