Fun Facts About Labradorite

Fun Facts About Labradorite

Labradorite is a beautiful gemstone as mystical as its iridescent colors. There is an optical illusion of color change depending on how the light hits it. Here are some fun facts about Labradorite:

  • It was first identified in Labrador, Canada.
  • Labradorite is a feldspar mineral that can be found in many places around the world including Canada, Poland, Norway, Finland, Madagascar, China, Australia, Slovakia, and the United States. 
  • It is most commonly found in igneous rocks. 
  • Labradorite’s iridescent effect is referred to as labradorescence. 
  • The stone flashes blue, green, violet, yellow, or orange because light enters and reflects back at different wavelengths due to diffraction. 
  • Native American Innu called Labradorite ‘fire stone’ because the flashes of color resembled the Northern Lights. They believed it was a spiritual stone with healing properties. 
  • It is often made into jewelry. 

If you enjoy its beauty as much as we do, check out the stunning pieces of Labradorite available at Tyrannostorus

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