Outlaw or T-Rex?
Am I an outlaw, or am I a T-Rex?
Everybody has a T-Rex arm impression. Many people place their arms out with their elbows by their sides and fingers dangling underneath, but if you did that to a dinosaur, you would break its wrists! The arms were actually facing inward like they were clapping.
The digits of T-Rex were positioned more like finger guns. T-Rex had the equivalent of a human thumb and index fingers. It also had a reduced metacarpal that would have made the equivalent of a middle finger. However, these were severely reduced and were basically useless.
The theories for what T-Rex would have used its arms and hands for are abundant. Some theories suggest that because T-Rex had a lot of muscle mass in its arms and could lift really heavy things, maybe they were used to hold onto prey while the tiny fingers and massive jaw slashed into its prey. Or maybe they were reduced to prevent their limbs from being bitten off when they were gathering at kills. What do you think T-Rex used its arms for?
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