Was T-Rex Smart?
Was T-Rex as brilliant as a baboon or cunning like a crocodile?
Last year, a very controversial study came from Vanderbilt University in Nashville. Scientists were analyzing the braincase of T-Rex and made a calculation that in its forebrain alone, T-Rex may have had as many as 3.3 billion neurons. That’s on par with primates like baboons. However, this is very controversial.
A new study came out earlier this year that found T-Rex more likely had around 360 million neurons in its brain, putting it more on par with things like crocodiles. Does this mean T-Rex was dumb? Not at all! Crocs are very smart reptiles. They have very social, complex societies. They also have been observed using tools and cooperative hunting, and the part of their brain that analyzes memory is very large. So who knows, maybe instead of staying an elephant never forgets, we should say a Tyrannosaurus rex never forgets!
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