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Gila Monster Plush

Gila Monster Plush

Regular price $29.95 USD
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Gila Monsters aren’t really monsters, but they are the largest lizards in the United States. They are also the only venomous lizards native to the United States. They have an impressive set of teeth and a serious bite that requires medical attention. Thankfully, their bite isn’t fatal to humans. Chances are, you’ll never cross paths with a Gila Monster unless you live in desert areas of Arizona, New Mexico, California, Utah, or Mexico. You can own your very own plush version though! This Gila Monster plush is approximately 4.5 inches tall and 24 inches from head to tail. Here are some facts about Gila Monsters:

  • They only eat a few times a year. 
  • Gila Monsters store fat in their tails. They can live for several years on the fat they store. Their tails are so important that they can’t detach and regrow them like other lizards do. 
  • They might seem scary, but they’re actually pretty mellow.
  • Gila Monster venom is used to make diabetes medication. 
  • They hibernate in the winter.
  • Gila Monsters can live 20 years in the wild and longer in captivity. 

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