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Skull Replica (Bound Peruvian)

Skull Replica (Bound Peruvian)

Regular price $215.95 USD
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This hominid skull is referred to as the "Cool Peruvian Lady." It is a replica of a conical-shaped woman's skull discovered in the Paracas region of Peru that is over 2,000 years old. The skull shows evidence of head binding, which was a cultural practice in some indigenous communities in ancient Peru. Head binding dates back 9,000 years. Skulls were bound to achieve an elongated look that was seen as a sign of beauty and social status. The cranial deformation was achieved by applying pressure to a child's head using cloth, rope, and boards to alter the shape of the skull while it was still malleable. Bound skulls were often displayed as trophies or included in important ceremonies and rituals. You will receive the museum quality cast replica pictured, which is approximately 7.2 inches long, 4.9 inches wide, and 5 inches tall. 

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